4 feed features every angler should know!
If you are serious about catching a lot of fish from lakes and rivers, the right feed or bait is key. Good angling feed can make the difference between a high and poor catch rate, catching and not catching.
There is no doubt about it; for years, fish have regularly encountered many feed variations. As a result, they recognise it as a solid source of food. However, do they have a preference when it comes to appearance, palatability, and density? Also, what are the important factors to consider when angling during colder periods?

Here are 4 feed features that every angler should know:
1. Physical appearance
There are a few essential physical-pellet-quality criteria in the winter period, like water stability and pellet firmness. For a high catch success rate, angling feeds need to consist of water-stable and palatable pellets so that the fish have time to find them. The shape of the pellet is also crucial, as it tempts the fish to take a bite.
2. Insect meal
Insect meal is a natural, sustainable and performant protein source, close to carp’s natural food source. It is intensely attractive, has a strong, distinctive, savoury aroma and presents the fish with a unique appetite-stimulating natural profile, making it perfect for angling.
Insect meal is also more than just a great protein source; it is sustainable too. Its production has a very low carbon footprint. Its use also takes the strain off of depleting fishmeal and fish oil stocks that are traditionally used in feed formulation, benefitting the aquaculture industry as a whole.
3. Wheat germ: for cold periods
During the winter months and early spring, angling can be more challenging. While many often simply give up during these tougher months, you, as an avid angler, will not let the low temperatures hold you back from doing what you love the most.
Digestibility is a key aspect for effective angling feeds during the colder months of the year. Wheat germ is a protein source known for its superb digestibility. This is the reproductive part of the wheat, which has the highest nutritional value of the kernel, rich in Vitamin E and B. Inclusion of wheat germ makes the pellet highly nutritious and digestible, offering significant protein and mineral content.
4. Refusal prevention: match the hatch
All anglers know that you learn something from every fish you catch but learn more from every fish you miss. And there are sure to be times when you learn a lot! This is even true for experienced or professional anglers; sometimes, you can see the fish swimming and jumping, but they are just not biting.
You need to be smart to outperform the fish. There are many reasons why you can see them jumping but not wanting to bite on your enticing bait, such as:
- The area is overfished
- Fish can smell human scent
- You are not fishing shallower/deeper water
Let us also not forget that a carp is an omnivore and spends its time eating a variety of food like worms and insect larvae. Because of this, the fish only feed on angler’s pellets to supplement their diet. If they are finding more desirable food from natural sources, they will not bother going for the bait.
To help prevent this natural refusal, you must use feed that is as enticing to the fish as what they can get in nature.

Prepare your expander pellets using a pump!
Key features
- NATIVE is a larval-shaped pellet
- Contains insect meal, which is naturally present in the daily diet of carp
- Natural colours
- Close to natural food of carp — prevents refusals and maintains a high success rate
- High level of wheat germ makes it suitable for fishing during colder periods and all year round